Star Wars: Ahsoka released its first season on Disney+ last year and the show’s fifth episode was a huge one for fans of both the animated shows and the prequels. In “Shadow Warrior,” Ahsoka (Rosario Dawson) encounters Anakin (Hayden Christensen) in the World Between Worlds and the duo revisits some of their big moments from the Clone Wars. Fans were not only excited to see Christensen back in the franchise but to also see Ahsoka and Anakin together in live-action. Dawson recently spoke to Entertainment Weekly about the episode and revealed a big change was made to the fight between Anakin and Ahsoka in the World Between Worlds.
“We ended up tweaking that and playing with it a little bit,” Dawson shared. “That moment with him coming out of the World Between Worlds was so significant, so it didn’t make sense to necessarily have like another dialogue scene with him – because how could you really build on that in that way? So we transformed that.”
“We sort of shifted it a little bit so she was watching him as a hologram, rather than Force ghost conversation. It also makes that moment in the World Between Worlds more ephemeral, like, What was that? Is she just dreaming? Is she really talking to herself? It’s nice to keep that as a question mark,” she added.
“You start to realize just how rich Ahsoka’s history is,” Dawson previously explained in an official behind-the-scenes video. “Ahsoka is such a relatable character,” Ariana Greenblatt (young Ahsoka) added. “Anakin and Ahsoka’s relationship is so cherished and it’s so loved, and they have so many fantastic moments together,” she continued. “In a lot of ways, her character arc can sort of parallel Anakin’s,” Christensen chimed in.
Will Ahsoka Get a Season 2?
After Ahsoka‘s finale, Deadline reported that “Ahsoka Season 2 is more of a reality in the conversation, though nothing is locked yet.” Considering Ahsoka‘s ties with The Mandalorian and showrunner Dave Filoni’s future film plans, it’s pretty likely we’ll be seeing the Ahsoka characters again. However, Daswon recently said there haven’t been any official talks about a second season.
“No,” Dawson told Dagobah Dispatch when asked if there have been talked about a second season. “We’re supposed to be having a dinner soon, of the whole cast, which will be really nice because I haven’t seen everyone. I was very jealous seeing everyone at some of their cons recently, which I wasn’t able to be at.”
Before the SAG strike, had the chance to chat with Dawson while she was promoting Haunted Mansion, and we asked if she knew anything about Filoni’s film and whether or not she would be in it.
“No. I’m just so happy he got it,” Dawson shared when asked if she knew about the project. “Honestly, my uncle is a comic book artist. That is not the average transition coming from animation and going into directing, and especially a film. For all the nerds, I think for the cons and stuff, this is just like, ‘Ah!’ kind of status. So, I’m just super stoked for him because it really could not happen to a better person. He’s so talented and remarkable and awesome, and I love him. And I think what he learned in doing in animation, he’s blowing out of the water in directing and live action. So, I’m, as a fan, excited to watch that movie, whether I’m in it or not.”
She added, “And I hope I’m invited to set, regardless.”
Stay tuned for more updates about Ahsoka.