As fans have been waiting for updates on an assumed Season 4 of The Mandalorian, confirmed today that Din Djarin and Grogu are making the leap to the big screen, with The Mandalorian & Grogu set to head into production later this year. The new film is set to be directed by The Mandalorian creator Jon Favreau and will be produced by Favreau, Kathleen Kennedy, and Dave Filoni. This new project is separate from the announced film that is coming from Filoni that is set to be a crossover between various series set during The New Republic, as Lucasfilm detailed how that project was part of a similar slate of big-screen experiences.

“I have loved telling stories set in the rich world that George Lucas created,” Favreau shared in a statement. “The prospect of bringing the Mandalorian and his apprentice Grogu to the big screen is extremely exciting.”

“Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni have ushered into Star Wars two new and beloved characters, and this new story is a perfect fit for the big screen,” Kathleen Kennedy, president of Lucasfilm, added.

While Lucasfilm didn’t explicitly address it as such, this news comes on the heels of rumors claiming that Season 4 of the upcoming series was pivoting to become a movie instead of an extended batch of episodes. The timing of the movie’s production, however, along with star Pedro Pascal having a crowded shooting schedule of popular projects would make it seem likely that we might not ever get a Season 4 and instead get this big-screen outing.

Lucasfilm also confirmed that there were still films on the way from Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, James Mangold, and Dave Filoni, though omitted any update about Taika Waititi’s film, which has been in the works for years. Waititi’s film was also absent from Star Wars Celebration, so while some fans will speculate that this project has been delayed indefinitely, Waititi himself has offered multiple updates expressing that it’s a time-consuming process to deliver a story for the galaxy far, far away.

The release also confirmed that a Season 2 of Star Wars: Ahsoka was in development, so while it hasn’t officially been ordered, this bodes well for the series’ future.

Stay tuned for updates on The Mandalorian & Grogu.

Are you excited for the new film? Let us know in the comments or contact Patrick Cavanaugh directly on Twitter or on Instagram to talk all things Star Wars and horror!



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