There has yet to be an official anime adaptation that follows the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers but that hasn’t stopped Japan from creating anime projects that focus on new takes on the Sentai genre. One of the most popular and predominant examples is Go Go Loser Ranger. The series from Yostar Productions hit the scene earlier this year with a twelve-episode first season but fans won’t have to wait long to see Footsoldier D and friends making a comeback to the small screen. Go Go Loser Ranger has not only confirmed the release window for its second season but has also dropped a flashy new trailer to go along with the news.
For those who have yet to check out Go Go Loser Ranger, the first season in its entirety is available to stream on Hulu in North America. Rather than focusing on Sentai heroes who are protecting the world, the anime adaptation sees the Dragon Keepers as this universe’s Power Rangers who harbor a dark secret. Instead of fighting the “Villainous Army of Evil” for the benefit of mankind, the Dragon Keepers are instead wheeling out the henchmen and monsters of this organization in Roman gladiatorial exhibitions that see the army murdered en masse. The main protagonist of the series, Footsoldier D, has concocted a plan to get revenge on the Keepers and hopefully save his underworld allies.
Go Go Loser Ranger Season 2
Go Go Loser Ranger’s second season will arrive in April of next year, though Yostar Productions has yet to confirm the specific date. This makes for quite a quick turnaround considering it means that it will have only been around one year since season one landed. In the newly released trailer, the fight against the Red Ranger and his ilk continue as new and old characters make an appearance. For those who read the original manga from creator Negi Haruba, you know that there are some big events planned for season two.
What Makes The Loser Ranger Worth Watching
There’s any number of reasons why you should check out Go Go Loser Ranger, especially if you are a fan of all things Sentai. The concept of the anime series is one that is able to successfully turn the dynamic of “Power Rangers” on its head, presenting a story that feels far more like Amazon’s The Boys rather than the story of Zordon’s finest. The Dragon Keepers are skin crawling antagonists, especially the Red Ranger, who has an aesthetic that screams “Homelander.”
Footsoldier D makes for a worthy protagonist here, working his way undercover within the ranks of his hated enemies while trying to keep his identity a secret. It’s an insurmountable goal to take down the powerful Keepers but it is one that the unlikely protagonist has been making steps towards. Since D has been gaining more allies in his quest, season two will see him in perhaps a far better place than his initial outing.
As for an official Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers anime, there has yet to be any news on that front. The Sentai series remains a hit the world over, still producing new adventures for the Rangers long past the days when the original Power Rangers hit the scene on Fox Kids. Luckily, the original Rangers are set to return in Mighty Morpin’ Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind, the latest video game that will land on December 10th next month.
Want to see what the future holds for everyone’s favorite Loser Ranger? Follow along with Team Anime on for the latest updates on the Sentai world and hit me up directly @EVComedy to talk all things comics and anime.
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